Hello and happy new year. Its like we said hapy new year with hope and then chaos ensued but lets not lose hope if anything let this bring us closer together as people. Things happen in the most peculiar way to bring us closer. The government never had our back all we ever really have is community. People that are for the people. PEOPLE OVER PROFIT. Yall know fire has affected my life in the worst way. I have lost people I love to the Brutal fires as well as fire I had at my own home in 2023 that was scary because wtf. Fire is a beautiful element when used for good to shed and ignite but when evil people use it to harm others that is when its the worse. Praying for EVERYONE who was affected by the fire. No matter how rich you are experiencing a fire is the worse form of grief, pain and loss. I wish that on no one at all.
Originally Wired Weird was an idea I had back in 2012 and I thought to kick it off as a label platform for my music. I announced it in this video for my song "Amen" as Wired Weird Music.
Which was just the beginning actually then in 2014 I drew a logo and then Duckwrth brought it to life...
I decided to go from Music to Entertainment because I wanted a bigger entity to not just be a label but a unique authentic creative powerhouse tool for myself as I am not just a label I do it all.
I then created a website and launched Jan 2016.I also got my first print press in the East Bay Express and a amazing interview about making music for the wild and weird which is and always been my intent and who I am...(Check that article out here)... I had a lot of support for this venture from my compadre Chase. He help with the branding and shared the vision of Wired Weird. He directed an amazing photoshoot to announce the official release of Wired Weird Ent as well as the launch party we had at LCM as a collaboration with Ratskin Records for the tape drop of "Queen of Darkness" Mini EP. This is my frist time posting my press photos for Wired Weird on my site as a set. I used the photos individually but not as a photo set. To let you know I am sharing this amazing shoot that Chase did to show you just how great he was. He completely directed and edit this photoshoot.
2016 started out so lovely for me and Wired Weird Ent but ended with The Ghostship fire and that literally destroyed all of us in the Oakland music scene.I lost Chase and that was my team mate and Life will never be the same and literally had me lost and its been 9 years since where I have been nugged to relaunch but honestly I lost the drive to even go forth with it and put most of my time into playing shows but also I lost my stable housing and was moving pretty much every year. When the tower falls it falls and yeah that was just that life has been kicking my ass and all of our assses. It just seems as the years go by new levels of trauma without the time to acknowledge the levels of healing that needs to take place. With all I do I want to share how creativity and taking the time to express just that is power and healing. So yeah Wired Weird is my portal. With the purest imagination. And the purest upside down heart.
Oh yeah where Did the upside down heart logo come from?....Well the inspiration is this cool birthmark I have my shoulder which is an upside down heart. My whole life I thought that was completely weird and then everyone always told me I was weird. So I said Tada I am completely WIRED WEIRD.
Walking into this Wired Weird platform again but excited for the good things that will come. That is all I can say for now....But just also want to be an inspiration continously to everyone to never stop believing in the magic and creativity that God has placed inside of us.
Stay Wild and Stay Weird.
But also chose love chose peace and chose happiness.
Prioritize your healing so you can be an example of what its like to be healed.
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