Friday, July 3, 2015

SF Pride 2015 was amazing.

On January 1st, 1989 my life changed. As you may know, I am a San Francisco Native. Born at Mt. Zion hospital in 82 and such and when I was born cute music played but my dad missed the Champagne and Steak dinner at the hospital. Anywho back to the storyline! So on January 1st, We moved into our new home on 15th st about two blocks from the historical Castro. We called 15th and Noe our (Sister Mary Frances'mom' and I) home from 1989-2001. As a little girl, I learned quickly about what Pride meant to my community and I enjoyed waving from my window as my street was backed up filled with traffic from the intense parking situations. Cars would honk at the little black girl waving from the window. It became a yearly expected event to see me in that window I am sure. It was routine for me to be in that window as soon as we got home from church, smiling and waving! Fast forward to my teen years. Pride was really big in my life because I was young, wild, free, and down with my clique, my crew the Castro Kids. I had big dreams to perform at Pride and this year that dream came true.

I performed at Pride guys! I don't know what feeling to feel but the day started off really somber and I was a bit nervous! I would say you can want to do something so long and when it finally happens its a strange feeling but you are all happy and such. A true Blessing!! The bart ride over was pretty packed. No one on the train knew my story line or what I was headed to do. I didn't get the chance to do my makeup at home because I did not want to be late and I almost did not make the train because the line to purchase bart tickets was out of this world. But somehow I randomly made it on the BART train! God surely was on my side! I performed on The Faerie Freedom Village stage and it was fabulous. It was everything I knew SF PRIDE to be. Colorful, vibrant, and free.

Now lets get all the way into some flicks of the fun!

Me with DJ Justime. You must now press Play and Listen To Justime's Mix from Spinning at Pride while reading the rest of this article. Trust me it is So good!

Justime is only The most amazing DJ/Party Promoter you could ever meet while looking to have some fun on the Rainbow! I thank him and Joshua so much for always just being so good to me. Also if you are in need of hardcore Disco Dancing come to Afternoon Delight at the NEW Parish every last Sunday of the month from 3-8PM.

My friend Anna was there to help spread the word about the bird!

Anna and I on the dance floor!

Made a new friend by the name of @GlitterusWolfus!

and I rocked the crowd! Look how beautiful and colorful we are!

Maya Ivy #MayaSongbird #PrideSF2015

Posted by Anna Bear on Sunday, 28 June 2015

Press Play of that Video to See us Get on down to our MAYAMRA jam. "You Should Be Dancin"

And Tada! The babes loved it!

Pride was everything to me!Every year its so different but evident of evolution. New Faces with a variety of expression of Pride, But it is always peaceful and love! SF PRIDE continues to GROW in to more than just a parade! Pride is a Global celebration of Liberation! Liberation to love and be who you want to be! I am proud to be a derivative of the rainbow!

This feels so good to say Always Aim high! The Most High provides right on time! Keep Going in all you do! Dreams do come true!


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