Directed by Leon Breckenridge and Maya Songbird
Starring Maya Songbird and Peter Pendergrass..
My comments are simply this...when the world has so much to say about a women's presentation and vagina practices. So quick is the world to impose such negative connotations upon us. A true queen knows her desire for pleasure should not be denied and the desire to enjoy sex with whoever she desires does not make her a slut, hoe, or a bitch. Power and full ownership of your Vagina is POWER. If they call you a tell them..."Baby, I'm a Regal Slut"
"Regal Slut" is also now available for download on Bandcamp!
So quick is the world to impose such negative connotations upon us. A true queen knows her desire for pleasure should not be denied and the desire to enjoy sex with whoever she desires does not make her a slut,
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